Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yes, we have no bananas...

...no more banana-tree, that is.
And no more avocado-tree...and no more poppies...and no more night-blooming cactus...

A good friend came over tonight and took some of our plants from our balcony.
The green adoptees will have a good home with our ami cambodgien, since they can't go to Tucson in the moving truck...

Last summer, when we moved into our apartment, we were thrilled to finally have a balcony--and a big one with a view! Then we found a great nursery in Burien that specializes in tropical and subtropical plants--especially bamboo and banana trees. The tree that began last year as a foot-and-a-half-high plant spent the winter indoors and then went out on the balcony a couple of months ago, a good five feet tall! The avocado pit that I patiently sprouted in a glass of water last fall grew to five feet as well...
...and they're now in our friend's car on the way to his house as daylight finally fades at a quarter til ten on this June evening.

The boxes are piling up slowly around our place.

Tomorrow our piano goes away as well.
(Thank you co-worker-of-my-wife-who-wants-to-buy-a-piano!)
A bittersweet parting, but I'll look forward to a desert-seasoned instrument once we get down there...

And an extra bookshelf went away today--ah, the beauty of craigslist.org.
During my lunch hour, I posted a 'free bookshelf to take away' ad...
before I even had to return to work, several people had replied, and then not long after I got home, one guy drove over in his truck, and adieu to the particle-board étagère...

Things are moving along.

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