Thursday, February 05, 2009

fruit of labor, after being home sick for two days...

Yesterday and the day before, I stayed home from work: sick.
Nothing serious, but enough to keep me from my daily getting up in front of adolescents...

And so, stuck inside, I fiddled with photography and websites...
...and the fruit of that labor is this:

Within that website is a link to:,
my fledgling attempt at turning a hobby into a small small business. (?)

Why "ex oculis," you ask?
Well, I figured, just like "ex libris" is Latin for 'from the books of','
"ex oculis' means, roughly, 'from the eye of''...

What do you think?

So, yeah, this entry is a bit of comfortably shameless self-promotion.

In the 80's yesterday and today...
but Tucson is supposed to be flirting with snowflakes by next Monday...

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