Thursday, April 23, 2009

hummingbird nests...roadrunner...iguana...
blooms...spring in Paris

...a few photos from this past Sunday afternoon, when we took some kids for their visit to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum:

My wife and I had never seen hummingbird nests before--so tiny!

Every visit to the Desert museum, we've spent some time in the hummingbird aviary...
...and what a treat, this time, to see these little nests...
...the prairie dog habitat had an unexpected visitor in the enclosure:
...funny, that roadrunners are in the cuckoo family...
...later in the afternoon, we saw this guy perched on a rock, not in an enclosure:
...a spiny-tailed iguana, roaming free in the desert. I like his smile--a reptilian toothy grin.

..things in bloom, too. This is a bud of a 'Carl Nielsen sage:"
...and, of course, varieties of prickly-pear-cactus:
Et voilà--a little bit of April in Tucson.

April in Tucson...can't help but think of April in Paris...
...Exactly ten years ago: early spring, along the Seine, behind Notre Dame:

...later in the spring, rhododendrons in bloom at the Parc de St.-Cloud, near where I lived:
...and just for fun, an architectural face as a parting shot:

(a Renaissance-era balcony with a mini-gargoyle in the Marais district in Paris.)

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