Monday, July 27, 2009

Subtle? No, but...

A couple of weeks left in the school-year-summer...
So, before the back-to-work madness, a few cartoons gleaned from the paper recently:

First--'the benefits of social interaction:'

Not a complete justification for home-schooling, but hey...
(...and did I mention I'm grateful to have a job!?)

And then, this morning's Tucson paper printed a cartoon
from Augusta, GA

Sad. So sad. Skool...

And finally:
I think I'll post this one by the pencil sharpener in my classroom.

Yes, kids still use those archaic things--not everyone has 'graduated' to mechanical pencils and pens.
Over the years I've collected and laminated quite a few cartoons, and it's always interesting to see the kids who 'get' them while sharpening their pencils--an informal way to 'assess' students...

This week--a temporary 'turning off' of Tucson's monsoon faucet--dry skies, 106 degrees today...
Afternoon thunderstorms should return by the weekend...

For our friends up in Seattle--hang in there--these unusual 90-degree-days you're having up there will be but a distant memory in a few weeks...(a reminder of why a/c is a necessity for those of us who live in warmer, southern latitudes...)
Another shot of our resident hawk, perching on the fountain outside our front door...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. Congrats on employment. Your resident hawk is Too Cool. I talked to L, she said they had a great visit with you.

Love the photos from you "back east" trip.