Wednesday, April 14, 2010

yellow yellow everywhere...and a bit of pink

April is glorious in the Sonoran desert...entire hillsides covered in yellow: the brittlebush and desert marigold are in bloom; the poppies are past their peak, but new color is taking their place...
The slopes seem landscaped--the trails are lined with brittlebush; the yellow flowers seem to have been planted around each saguaro and mesquite tree...heliotrope, chicory, fairy-duster sprinkled in...

And in our neighborhood the acacia trees are in bloom--perfume in the air from the yellow 'puffs'.

I had my cell-phone with me on a bike ride in Sabino Canyon a couple of evenings ago, so a few phone-camera shots:
...and the ocotillo are in bloom now also...

As for the 'pink'--this past Sunday I ran the Susan Komen Race for the Cure 5k again! Last year was my first...A friend of mine, who'd once been a firefighter, said that firefighters are required to be able to run a mile-and-a-half in 12 minutes. So--an 8-minute/mile pace. I thought that should be a reasonable goal for me for this year...and I did it! Yes, I know, not stellar...but for someone who never really got into running until the age of 33--I'm happy. S. came along as a spectator...and wants to do it next year...Anyone else want to plan to come down for it too! This year there were over 12000 participants...

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