Monday, June 07, 2010

"elliptical bicycle"--saw my first one this morning...

The cicadas are buzzing; it's 102 degrees outside as I type this. Yesterday, S. and I spent a good part of the day up in Phoenix--it was 112 degrees...104 in the shade (!) in a covered parking garage in Scottsdale...
(or "Snotsdale," as some of the locals refer to the upscale area, we learned...)

But mornings, right before sunrise--still blessedly cool. So after spending hours sitting in the car yesterday,  back and forth from Phoenix, I wanted to go for a run this, out the door at dawn...and as I was running back down Sabino Canyon, I saw a guy biking dutifully uphill, and just behind, his wife, on one of these:
(photo courtesy of

Fascinating, eh? Got a spare couple of thousand dollars, you can have one--they were just 'released' from production this month. When I got home, I had to look it up: Elliptigo. Coming to a city near you, perhaps soon...Invented in California, where else? What a cool idea for runners recovering from impact injuries, or people who want to 'stairstep' but not on an indoor machine! Forget 'segways'--with our nation in its obesity epidemic, we need more calorie-burning options...

...not that I'm a skinny guru intent on ridding the world of motor-vehicles...
But our dependence on automobiles just can't be what this planet is meant many petrol-volcanoes on sea-floors do we need anyway? One is enough. Adieu to the Cajun riviera, alas...

(Incidentally, speaking of Louisiana--here's an interesting article in a recent Wall Street Journal: African Teachers Come to the Rescue of Cajun Country;  Imported Francophones Help Revive a Culture; Savoring 'Le Gumbó')

This morning's run: 8 miles! Not a marathon--but for me, my longest continuous-run yet. A personal victory. I am really really going to miss having Sabino Canyon as 'my backyard'--yeah, yeah, we're only moving ten minutes away, but still...

Moving. Haven't even begun to pack yet. But the painting will begin later this week...probably on the day of our tenth anniversary--Happy Anniversary, honey--now grab a brush while I situate this ladder...

In today's mail, the new issue of Runner's World (don't laugh, now, yes I actually subscribe to a, gasp, athletic kind of magazine) came--and a recurring column that I enjoy reading therein is entitled "The Newbie Chronicles" by writer Marc Parent. At the end of this month's essay, he writes:
      "When I began running, a friend who has run his whole life congratulated me for starting. I told him I wasn't sure if it was for me. He tried to assure me it was. "Everyone is a runner," he said. "But most don't run slow enough or long enough to find out how true that really is." I wrote him off as just another lovable lunatic at the time--everyone is a runner, and I just shook hands with Bigfoot. Now...I can't really say if he was telling the truth or if it's just me who's finally joined the band."

And that's the latest, as week-number-two of 'summer' begins.

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