Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday...this morning in Sabino Canyon...

Yesterday morning on my bike-ride through Saguaro Nat'l Park, I noticed that lots of the blooming saguaros are just past their peak...and I hadn't yet had the chance yet to take some photos of the ephemeral cactus blooms this May, what with all of the end-of-the-school-year-madness...

So this morning I got up early and went to Sabino Canyon, skipping breakfast.

This desert dove, though ('white-winged' might be part of its 'official' name?), was definitely not skipping breakfast:
I love how these guys have sky-blue 'eye-shadow:'
...and even after a couple of years here, saguaro blooms still amaze me with their waxy substantialness:

...but as beautiful as they are, the saguaros themselves take on a comical look, with the tips of their crests and arms holding these bouquets, eh?
...and this is where Sabino creek exits the canyon, through a grove of cottonwoods:during the dry season, the creek, which runs year-round in the canyon, peters out into dryness a mile or two away...

In a few minutes, my wife and I are going to go meet someone; we might be moving this summer, and this person is wanting to rent out their townhome that's located practically at Sabino Canyon's 'front door!' S. and I are already smitten with the idea of having all THIS (the scenery of the above photos) just a ten minute walk from our potential front door!
We hope it works out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope the meeting with the potential new digs went well. I love all your photos, and I Need to Visit You and see this all in person. Un dia de estos....