Tuesday, May 19, 2009

lunchtime update: we'll be moving next month!

So...after the posting from a couple of days ago--YES we will be moving next month,
to a townhome at the foot of the Catalinas, practically at the entrance to Sabino Canyon!

I went yesterday afternoon to sign the lease, and here's a little cell-phone view of the walkway that leads to our soon-to-be front door:

The fountain and the red-tile-roofs under the leafy canopy (sycamore trees) feel vaguely Provençal to me...

Our friends (who will be our next-door neighors) as well as the landlord say that javelinas often come through to drink at the fountain. Javelinas are southern Arizona's 'wild pigs;' technically not pigs, but 'collared peccaries:' (above photo courtesy of this website)

(and the above photo from here)

Strange proportions, eh? but cute babies...just don't cross a mad parent javelina; their tusks can inflict some damage...we're looking forward to some javelina photos of our own; it'll be fun to watch them while having morning coffee on the patio...

Now, back to grading final exams; tomorrow is the last day of school here in Tucson...

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