Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Applause (?) / Panoramas

In last month's Actualité, (a Newsweek-type magazine from Québec that I've subscribed to off and on over the years), this cartoon caught my eye:
...self-congratulatory tree-planting, (look! it's green!), a metaphor...

Now that it's summer, I've had a bit of time to try out some more photo-editting features...
Back in June 2001, my wife and I were able to visit the French Mediterranean island of Corsica.
Here's a 'stitched-together' panorama of a couple of photos--a 'land's-end' view of the Pointe de la Parata promontory, several miles west of the capital city Ajaccio.
(You're never allowed to forget, while in the scenically-situated-yet-somewhat-decrepit-city, that here is the birthplace of emperor Napoléon I.)

...and from June of fifteen years ago, another stitched-together panorama of a view that can, alas, no longer be had: looking from the rooftop observation deck of the World Trade Center in New York, east over the East River and the Brooklyn Bridge over Brooklyn Heights:

...and from the same now-inexistent platform, which stood 1300 feet above Lower Manhattan, looking north toward mid-town Manhattan and the Empire State building, which is, once again, the tallest structure in New York City:
(At the bottom center, you can see Washington Square Arch, the heart of the NYU neighborhood, and Fifth Avenue leading from it up to the right of the Empire State Building.)


...neither here nor there,

while running some errands this morning, I heard an interview on the radio with the author of an article that appeared in the NY Times a couple of weeks ago.
He's a motorcycle-repair-shop-guy-with-a-Ph.D.
A bit long, but well worth it...
As a teacher, I feel like his voice needs to be heard more clearly,
especially in school counseling offices...

...our upcoming move to the "javelina house," as a friend of ours (E.) put it,
is less than three weeks away; time to start packing!
My wife and I were realizing that this will be our tenth address.
(The process of getting ready to move to, moving to, then moving back from Nicaragua involved several addresses in just a couple-year period.)
And really (no, really) we don't even like moving...

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